Dear Fan of Among Us! 

Have you ever dreamed to have your own Website?

Could you ever imagine to create your own blog ?

Have you ever wanted to educate /influence others by sharing your thoughts, stream your own videos  and making valuable recommendation through your own platform? 

Have you ever wished to get paid online? 

If your answer is yes, then this offer will be ideal for you!

10 Benefits to Own Among Us Fan Portal

✔Build  your online presence

You get a great designed, thoroughly developed and a very affordable Website in your favorite theme! It would be a perfect online start, since you won’t need to waste your time to build up everything from scratch! After ordering your  website, you will get all the solutions to start the website like development, design, hosting, domain, etc. If you are technical or non-technical, it makes easy to customize whatever has been already build up for you. 

✔Share Your Passion

When you are passionate about something, you want to share it with the world. Fan Portal Among Us opens the door to connecting with those around the world who speak your language and have the same passions. It might result in a building up your own community with a great potential for a social and financial growth! 

✔️Influence others

If you are someone who likes to share, Fan Portal can be a great starting  platform for educating people who have an interest in your areas of expertise. Through blogging on your Website, you will not only influence others, but will also become more skilled about the topic.

✔️Learn new things

As it was mentioned above, you will not only educate others but will learn as well. At first, you will learn more about your niche because you need to educate yourself to teach or influence others. You will also learn a lot about other fields, such as website design, social interaction,  online marketing, etc. no matter what you write. There’s a certain amount of marketing knowledge you will need if you want to increase traffic to your Website. Your knowledge of email marketing, search engine marketing, and social media marketing will continue to grow. All the skills that you obtain along the way will impact greatly on your as an expert in your industry.

✔️ Target your an audience

Social media audiences are more receptive to blog posts than they are to ads or sales pages, and likewise, are more likely to share blog posts with their connections than ads or sales pages. By creating blog content, you give yourself more to share on your social media profiles, and you give your visitors something to share when they visit your website. Social sharing of your content will increase exposure to your target audiences , lead to more incoming traffic and also give you a way to promote your Among Us related products. especially if you incorporate a good call to action at the end of your posts.

✔Become an authority on your topic

If you might want to speak at events in Online game Industry or become a well-known figure in this field , blogging is a platform that you can use to build authority. As you blog about the niche you are most knowledgeable about, people will begin to recognize you as an authority in that niche. This recognition might lead to interviews, podcasts, and ultimately invitations to speak. Besides, it will impact on  your followers and overall traffic for your website.

✔️Rank in search engines

Your blog gives Google new content to index on a regular basis. You can use each piece of content to rank for specific keyword that will attract your target audience to your website. A combination of static web pages and blog posts allows to target commercial keywords (to attract customers) as well as non-commercial keywords (to attract information seekers). Both audiences – customers and information seekers – can lead to establish a well recognized social Platform in the industry.

✔️Connect with new people

One of the greatest benefits to own your Website is connecting with others. You don’t just grow some followers on social networks or email lists. You build genuine relationships. You make friends with people you wouldn’t have met otherwise. The awesome thing  is that you will be able to develop a fan base through blogging in your Website. If you attend events in the video game industry, you will get recognized by people you’ve never met. They will thank you for all the great work you have done. Mainly the people you meet at the beginning of your blogging journey will be your the most loyal fans if you continue to cultivate your relationship with them. They also can help you to  improve the quality of  your web content through their comments. It will help you to receive  feedbacks and get an idea of how your content is performing.

✔️Become a recognized expert

Real experts never need to call themselves experts. Others will do it for you. As you become recognized in your niche, you will get invited to take part in interviews and blog posts compiling expert tips or advice. The last will put you in the company of other experts in your niche and help you become labeled as an expert more often. One of the keys to gaining expert recognition is to help out as many people as possible in small ways. Answering a question here and there will make more people respect you.

✔️Start your own business

A website may start out as a hobby but to mature into a well paid income. Running your website and expanding your fan base will help you to offer some industry related products by, for example,  affiliating partnerships or collaborations. All you have to do is to create content that leads readers to get interested in your products. Write blog posts that make readers to engage with the items that other businesses might be offering. And you could receive a commission from them. Creating blog content on a regular basis for your website gives new, relevant audiences the opportunity to discover you and your business. This exposure gives you more traffic that you can convert into leads and customers.

Own Your Fan Portal 

and become a Recognized Video Game Expert!


Fan Portal Among Us

Your Website Structure

Header image with two clickable buttons and Top Menu

Let’s browse the placed below Menu structure of the Website and its content.   

Front page contains brief introduction that welcomes all fans and those people who want to learn more about Cremate and Impostors World! A Front Page may also include an offer or any kind of ads to Among Us related theme. In our case it would be a Sensory  Fidget toy. 

Home page   

contains ,as it seen from Website’s screenshots below, basic information about Among Us game. It also has static and pop-up subscriptions forms.nnnnnn




News Page of the original Web Portal contains the latest updates, statics and upcoming events. It may be updated constantly.


Blog Posts Page contains posts that  also appear on the Sidebar  of the Front page. Post are the articles on different Among Us game topics. They might be a compilation of existing articles or original.  As new posts are written they will be automatically appear on the  Sidebar and should also be related to a specific category either existed or new one. Currently there are 65 posts.

This page includes special offers  for  Among Us visitors, so you may earn commissions and  other bonuses to help  grow your passive income. A Hot offer may also appear on a Front Page of the website.

Offer area is for monetizing your website  through different affiliate marketing proposal’s, your own deals, etc. 

Life Channel Page provides a great opportunity to stream your  own video over the Internet in real time, without first being recorded and stored.  This boost your chance  to attract more fans,  and make faster way to your online monetizing and recognition. 

In a Chat Room the fans (subscribed members) of your Among Us Portal can have live chat, share their game ideas and make new friends. Subscribed  members are the target audience to whom you can promote new events, offers and other valuable things related to Among Us game world.


The Chat Room Page has 2 subpages: Contact Us and Private Policy. Contact Us form enables to gather emails and personal information to build a list of fans and answer any questions or receive a feedback.


Sidebar appear here on the left side of the Website that stays there regardless of the page and contains Recent Posts, Archives, Categories and may also include Comments. There is a connection between posts and categories. Each post is related to one or more categories, so clicking on the category would also result in finding a related post or group of posts. Our Sidebar has a search function as well. 


Oder Your Fan Portal Today and Get Free Bonuses:

User Manual for the Among Us Fan Portal was created to assist in using the Website from its technical aspects. There are given main terms and brief explanations to give an idea how to operate, edit and also create new things in the Portal. You can also chat with our customer service to get the help you need.

 We offer our 3 Pack Among Us Fidget tool as a free bonus (free shipping) to your Website Portal purchase. It is a great tool to provide a sufficient relief for an anxiety and stress by hand fidgets. Besides, it stimulates strategical thinking, motoric activity, concentration. Can be very useful for both kids and adults. The full explanation can be found in Website Offer Section.




What Our Customers Have To Say

When I saw your advertising on my favorite game , I got excited. It was a real opportunity for me ,since I didn't need to built up my Website from scratch! It was a great Job, guys! The Fan Portal was very affordable and well designed. It is totally satisfied my basic needs to start blogging!
Michael Verner
New York, USA
I want to thank you for coming up with such a great idea! I have been playing Among Us for some time now. I love this game and enjoy being the owner of my own Among Us Website! I started blogging and have a great motivation to monetize my site and add extra money into my budget. It looks pretty awesome to enjoy playing my favorite game, attracting new fans and earning a passive income. Purchasing your site was the best value for my money!
Bath Lane
Rockford, USA
I came across with your ad and realized that I would definitely benefit from your offer. I have never built Websites before, therefore the idea to buy something that would give a push to my online activity looked quite tempting. It was cost-effective and came with additional free bonuses! Thanks for your efforts to make an User Manual and deliver free Fidgets Pop its which are absolutely cool!
Paulina Royster
Toronto, CA
I have always thought about how to start my online activity over internet. I have different social network accounts, where I post my videos and share my thought. Nevertheless, I have been looking for something that would boost my online presence and help make my passive income. Your offer was just at the right time! I enjoy every moment of managing my own Portal and want to thank you so much for such a great opportunity!!
Natali Lipinsky
Boston, USA

Oder Now and Grab your free bonuses!

Our Among Us Portal is a great solution for your Online start in the Game Industry!
Regular price: $499

Today: $49.99

( fill out your address in a billing form to get your free shipping item)